RhinoRecorder let’s you record audio within your browser on RhinoSpike!

We are excited to announce that RhinoSpike.com users can now record audio without leaving the browser with RhinoRecorder! Check out this short demonstration video to see RhinoRecorder in action:

You will need to install Microsoft Silverlight to use RhinoRecorder, which works on both Windows and Macintosh with Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Internet Explorer.

You may, of course, continue to record audio using programs like Audacity and upload your recordings as before.

If you haven’t sign up for a free account! Then login, and record some audio for a fellow language learner today!


  1. The plugin doesn’t work in 64-bit mode — which is what the newer Macs run in now. . .is there a work around or do we have to start the browser in 32-bit to get it to work?

  2. Anno,
    RhinoRecorder is built on Microsoft Silverlight, so we are dependent on Silverlight to have 64 bit support. My understanding is that 64 bit support is coming in Silverlight 5, which I think is currently in beta.

    That said, we bought a brand new Mac mini running Mac OS X Lion for the purpose of testing RhinoRecorder. We tested with Safari, Chrome, and Firefox with no problems, and just opened the browsers as-is. If there is way to switch between 32-bit and 64-bit modes on those browsers, I am currently unaware of how to do so. During our testing everything just worked, as long we remembered to restart the browser after installing Silverlight.

    If you could let me know how to open the browser in 64-bit mode vs 32-bit, I’d greatly appreciate that and I will try to test with the beta version of Silverlight 5.

  3. Thank you! Now it works good. . . perhaps I had to restart Chrome.

    I emailed you how to open browsers in different bit modes. . . but My chrome is (I think) running in 64 bit right now and there’s no problem fortunately.